Thursday, June 12, 2008


James, originally uploaded by unxpektd.

This is James and he is 49 years old. i took some time out today to talk with him and I was surprised with how nice and happy he was. He told me he had been on the streets of LA for over 20 years. He has been diagnosed with cancer and he has two strikes against him so his goal in life now is just to be good to everyone. He just had his bike stolen. He told me that people treat him as if he was lower than a dog. He said, "if a dog came up to you and starting barking you would acknowledge it right? Well people dont acknowledge me when I say hi or if I ask for some change, they just walk by like they dont hear me." The holiday seasons are tough for him, "people walk around with bags full of gifts and they cant help me out and give me any change. Some even make jokes about me and I do my best to not get upset."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.