Many Rivers To Cross
Friday, June 13, 2008
Busy Hands
I see this man everyday so today i bought him a burger and talked with him briefly. he is always doing something with his hands; either playing with his change or playing with his deck of cards.
I had an interesting conversation with a friend from Church the other night. We were talking about the things we need to do better in 2008 to have a better walk with Christ. We both admitted that we struggled with closure; how we both needed to slam the door shut on some things and people in our lives that are contrary to the Word of God. It's amazing how the Lord is involved in fellowship amongst believers, and how He hears and answers our prayers. I had prayed for closure with a very trying situation in my life and before I knew it my phone rung and I got some much needed answers in my life. True, there will be times when the answers will not be afforded to me but it is still my will to close those doors and walk by faith knowing that the Lord is faithful.
My neighbor's son needed a hair cut so when we asked him what he wanted. He replied, "a mohawk." I give it to the little man for knowing exactly what he wanted and for not wavering even after we all looked at him in surprise and disbelief. Update, he loves his mohawk.
Everything I Need . . .
. . . is right here with me
"That's me, pt.2" You might remember I took a picture of this gentleman one day when leaving my office. i was headed toward the bus stop when i seen him and decided to take his pic. i missed my bus that day. well i came across James again today but this time he was sleeping and i didnt want to wake him up so i just snapped his picture and continued on my path to Carl's Jr feeling a little bit guilty . . . .
Room For Two, Day50
If you look in the background you can see another homeless man's possessions but you cant see him because he is sleeping on the other side. this is approximately 100 yards from my office building. when i first started working here i almost couldnt handle leaving my building for lunch knowing there were so many hungry individuals on the street. is it a good thing or a bad thing that i'm starting to be able handle these situations better?
Meditate On The Word Of God
Joshua 1:8 (New King James Version)
This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.
My friend Lori was at church early last night reading her Word before our Communion service. She is a true woman of God and she is excited about what God has in store for her in 2008. Thank you Lori for allowing me to shoot the pic.
i'm guessing you are getting used to seeing images of people laying on the sidewalk. welcome to my world
Los Angeles Gangster
this guy had a lot of tatts banging his hood but this one was my favorite. welcome to LA aka the land of the G's where everyone reps their hood. he didnt mind me taking his pic. a lot of people in LA have tattoos on their heads and faces
this is the biggest piece of graffiti that i have ever seen. it is quite huge. there isnt much detail, however. the saber piece is much more intense than this piece
While the City Sleeps, In B&W . . . .
sometimes you have to get up, get out, and take whats yours, no matter what time of day it is
Drew and Anita Lee
On my way to Jack in the Box i came across this couple who wondered why i was carrying my camera. I told them about the couple of projects that i'm working on and i asked them if i could take their pictures. the lady was glad to be in the picture, in fact she said that she needed the pic to help her in her court case (something to do with her busted lip). after i finished my lunch i went back to the office and printed this pic for her . . . story to continue later
Thursday, June 12, 2008
View From Top of California Market Center Black and White
Historic downtown Los Angeles during an overcast day
"That's Me"
As i was running to the bus stop I seen this man with a gentle expression on his face so i asked him if i could take his picture. after i took the picture i should it to him, he replied with a smile on his face "That's Me." by the way, i missed my bus
Just Another Day In The Big City
concrete jungle, bob marley
homeless man by the name of James. i had an interesting conversation with a former homeless man who now works at a homeless shelter here in LA. he told me that the public actually hurts the mission's cause by supplying food and drinks to the homeless. "instead of the homeless people going to the shelters for food and housing they stay on the street and smoke their dope because they can rely on the public to give them hot coffee and food daily." the man i spoke with was a former dope-fiend and he and his wife were the first graduating couple out of the Los Angeles Mission. I am going to go inside the mission next week to continue my interview and to take some pics.
Looking Tasty
Another homeless man by the name of James. he appeared crazy until i approached him, then he held a normal conversation. but as soon as the conversation ended, he went crazy again pouring uncooked oatmeal all over himself and down his throat. he almost choked on the oatmeal
It rained for a few days down here in sunny southern california. while most of us stayed inside for as much as possible there were some who werent as fortunate. here is a homeless person trying to dry their clothes
This is James and he is 49 years old. i took some time out today to talk with him and I was surprised with how nice and happy he was. He told me he had been on the streets of LA for over 20 years. He has been diagnosed with cancer and he has two strikes against him so his goal in life now is just to be good to everyone. He just had his bike stolen. He told me that people treat him as if he was lower than a dog. He said, "if a dog came up to you and starting barking you would acknowledge it right? Well people dont acknowledge me when I say hi or if I ask for some change, they just walk by like they dont hear me." The holiday seasons are tough for him, "people walk around with bags full of gifts and they cant help me out and give me any change. Some even make jokes about me and I do my best to not get upset."
For Now I Will Call Him John (real name Steve)
PROVERBS 19:4 (New King James Version)
Wealth makes many friends,
but the poor is separated from his friend.
I see this gentleman almost everyday during my daily lunchtime walk, but today was the first time i had asked him if i could photograph him. he didnt mind at all, in fact he even looked up at the camera after my first couple of shots. when i was thru i gave him some money and thanked him for allowing me to work. i plan on keeping in contact with him, and soon i will talk with him and learn about him and take more pictures of him and his life.
This is what I eat every morning. Embraced by the Light. Tried different angles with this shot.
1 Corinthians 13:11 NKJV
"When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things."
Romans 14:17 NKJV
"for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit."
Trash to some, collectors items to others. As i was walking thru the alleys during my lunchbreak i came across a homeless person's makeshift home and collectible cars.
The View Just Leaving Union Station
I took this shot on the metrolink train just leaving union station heading east towards san bernardino
Catching Some Relaxation
Psalm 41:1 NKJV
Blessed is he who considers the poor;
The LORD will deliver him in time of trouble.